Friday, October 1, 2010

2nd Language

When I was in the 9th grade, one of the requirements for english was to learn some basic words in Latin. Though Latin would not have been my first choice, I asked if I could take it as my second language, considering I had to learn it anyway. I was denied, and when asked why the school authority told me it was because Latin was in fact ENGLISH. That is silly, I thought, latin is the root to many languages, not solely English. But it was too late, the verdict had already been given. Firmly. About a year later, my mother began attending college. As she was there she came to the conclusion a second language would be useful. There were classes for Japanese, Hawiian, Italian, Sign Language, ect. None of them shocked me more, though, than the option of Latin.
So I ask, dear school administrator, if Latin does not qualify as a second language, why does a college offer it as such? I feel cheated out of a valuable experience here, and must thank the school for lying to me about my educational choices.

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